The Long and Short of Lavender Shortbread

More often than not, you’ll see recipe blogs that have a lengthy novel preceding the actual recipe itself and you have to slog through three thousand words just to find out the temperature at which you should preheat your oven. Your fingers are tired from scrolling and you just want to get on with it already but, first, you have to hear all about the blogger’s most recent trip they took to Lake Erie in the spring. Complete with vivid photography and lengthy exposition.

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Chips to Kale for

Who knew I’d be reviving my food blog after a nearly 3 year hiatus for a kale chips recipe?

Well, we’re all here so we might as well get started. Kale chips might just be my new addiction with their crunchy, crispy, salty goodness paired with the fact that I feel no guilt whatsoever in eating more than one bowl of them. What’s even better is that anyone can make them… yes, even you! Here is all you need:

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Tales of Woe and Girl Scout Cookies

Last Saturday, I happened upon a small group of Girl Scouts (a.k.a. Cookie Pushers) stationed outside our local HH Gregg.  Since I am a huge fan of several of the cookie varieties, and a former Girl Scout myself, I always buy a few boxes each year.  This year, I noticed that the Little Brownie Bakers had a new variety to offer.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, “Thank U Berry Munch”.

Continue reading “Tales of Woe and Girl Scout Cookies”

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